Business Growth

Supporting businesses in Somerset to grow and be successful now and into the future.

Heart of the South West Growth Hub

Is designed to help both new and established local businesses identify and access the best business support available. Their business advisors provide independent diagnosis and referrals to business support services.  Find what support is available


Staff Development and New Skills

If you would like to increase your workforce and encourage new talent into your organisation, offering an apprenticeship can be the perfect solution.  Find out more 

Skill Up Somerset
There may be the need for members of the workforce to develop or learn new skills to progress to a new role, meet the needs of new markets or increase productivity, competitiveness or quality.  There are sector specific, generic, business skills training and education opportunities to support staff development that are available in bite sized short courses, accredited qualifications and bespoke courses to meet the business need.  Find out more

Skills Support for the Workforce 
A programme developed to upskill employees within small and medium-sized businesses by providing recognised accredited qualifications and bespoke training.  Learn more

Building a talent pipeline

Somerset Education Business Partnership 
Can help you to build strong partnerships with local schools, colleges and training providers – supporting you to develop a talent pipeline for your business.
Visit the website

Helpful Resources


Mentoring enables Somerset’s small and medium (SME) businesses to learn from our community of experienced business leaders, how to accelerate business development, make better strategic decisions, be more productive and ultimately grow the business. 

Micro Providers
If you are interested in offering a service that can help or care for other local people, there is free support available through the Somerset Community Micro-enterprise Programme.  


Self EmploymeNT
Advice on how to start your own business   
Find out about the support available