Support for Young People

SomersetWorks supports young people aged 15 to 18 into employment, education or training.
We understand how important it is for young people to be able to access information and support to help them with their next steps, whether this be employment, education or training.
SomersetWorks can help you with access to full time courses, apprenticeships, job applications and writing a CV and employability skills to help prepare you for the world of work.
To find out more about the opportunities available and details of the SomersetWorks Drop-In Hubs CLICK HERE
Somerset Education Business Partnership (EBP)
Choosing the next step in education, training or employment can be a daunting prospect. The Somerset EBP can help you to understand more about pathways available to you and aim to provide the tools to help you make the right decision for you including:
Visit the website for more information >
Useful Resources
The following links will provide you with resources to help you discover more about your skills and what careers you might be interested in.
Young Somerset seeks to develop a youth work relationship that is open, honest, respectful, trusting and led by the young person.
NCS Careers Advice can help you make career decisions throughout your life. From deciding your education route at 14 to planning a career change at any age. Get the job that's right for you with our advice on where to look, how to apply and how to do your best in interviews.
Career Pilot Providing careers information and tools for 11-19 year olds, all in one place.
icould We encourage young people to discover opportunities they may not have known about before. And we show what is possible in the world of work.
PRINCES TRUST Free support to develop the skills and confidence you need to find a job or start a business.